Apple's iPhone 5 Passes Samsung Galaxy S3 in Q4 Global Sales

The sales war between rival smartphones rages ever forward. According to research firm Strategy Analytics, the iPhone 5 surpassed the Samsung Galaxy S3 in worldwide sales during the fourth quarter. Accounting for 13-percent of all shipped smartphones, the estimated 27.4 million iPhone 5 units moved during Q4 propelled Apple's device to the top spot for the first time since launch.

Apple no doubt profited from the comparatively new iPhone 5, as Samsung's Galaxy S3 has likely reached its peak in terms of mass adoption. Amazingly, though, the iPhone 4S also outpaced the Samsung in the same quarter, selling 17.4 million units to the Galaxy S3's 15.4 million. Apple's iPhone models accounted for 1 in 5 of all smartphones sold globally in Q4.

Samsung and Apple have repeatedly volleyed for the "best-selling" position, with the Galaxy S3 taking the honor last September. And as the story goes each time these sales figures arise, Samsung will likely fire back with the Galaxy S4, or whatever its next flagship smartphone is called. Last we heard, Samsung may debut a Galaxy S4 this spring.

Matt Clark is a freelance writer covering the world of videogames, tech, and popular culture. Follow him on Twitter @ClarkMatt and MyIGN at Matt_Clark.

Source : feeds[dot]ign[dot]com


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